Fast Access to High Volume Payment Processing

Are you looking for a high-volume merchant account?

  • Whether you are a fast-growing company or an established business, high volume credit card processing accounts are available to you.  Businesses in any industry which require high volume payment processing are welcome.
    • Low rates.  Save money on your processing with high volume merchant accounts. Contact us for a free rate comparison and discover how we beat the competition.
    • Fast approvals.  Speed time to market. Most accounts are approved in 1-3 days
    • Quick Settlements.  Next day settlements are standard.  Same day settlements for qualified accounts.  
    • Level 1 PCI-DSS Gateway. Protect your business and your customers with the highest level of payment processing security available.
    • Extensive Network of US & International Banks.  Get a single account or diversify processing among different acquirers to mitigate risk. 
    • Load Balancing. Distribute processing among accounts. Get more volume quickly.  Central dashboard simplifies account management. 
    • Rich Cloud Reporting. Get the up-to-date, easy to read reports quickly.  Customize reporting to meet your requirements. 
    • Fraud Fighting Tools.   Keeps processing safe.  Accept good orders quickly.  Decline fraudulent transactions. 
    • Integrate Payment Processing. Seamless data exchange with internal systems increases productivity. Payment gateway integrated with most CRM, shopping carts, and software platforms. 
    • Decrease Chargebacks. Chargeback prevention and mitigation services help you manage & protect your high-volume merchant account.

Qualifying for a High-Volume Credit Card Processing Account

High volume merchant accounts are for merchants that process a minimum of $100,000 per month. It is helpful to have processing history. From an underwriting standpoint, processing history demonstrates your ability to properly manage high volume merchant accounts, keeping chargebacks and fraud within acceptable ratios for the card brands. . 

Still, there are exceptions for fast-growing companies that need high volume accounts where processing history is not required.  If you do not have history, you can submit a business plan, management resumes, and financial documents (business or personal) supporting the amount you are requesting for processing.   

How to Apply for a High-Volume Merchant Account

Applying for a high-volume merchant account is the same as applying for a standard processing account. An application is completed and submitted along with supporting documents.  

In reviewing the application file, the underwriter will look at all the information submitted to determine:

  • Processing volumes
  • Average & high tickets
  • Management experience
  • Fulfillment details, including shipping & return policies
  • Bank statements to ascertain that there is enough capital available to cover contingent liabilities, such as fraud or chargebacks
  • Signer’s personal credit is good. If personal credit is not good, consider adding a co-signer with excellent credit to your application

Karma Payment Solutions has long-term, trusted relationships with both US and international acquiring banks. 

Tips for Increasing Your Processing Capacity

Once approved, use these tips to grow your high-volume merchant accounts.  

Karma Payment Solutions will entertain an increase in volume after 3-6 months of history has been established 

  • Request an increase in your volume as you approach your current limits. Let Karma Payment Solutions know the reason for the request.  For example, a new advertising campaign, additional products, additional targeted markets etc.
  • Manage your high-volume merchant account to keep chargebacks low. Your customer service representative will advise you of the many tools available to you that will help you prevent chargebacks and fraudulent transactions.
  • Maintain superb customer service. Make it as easy as possible for your customers to contact you.  Return calls & emails promptly. 
  • Make sure orders are fulfilled in the time frame promised. If you outsource fulfillment, monitor your fulfillment company on a regular basis to assure they are meeting your customers’ expectations.
  • Keep a close eye on your online reputation. If you discover complaints filed with the BBB, industry review sources, or other sites, answer them.  Do your best to resolve the issues.  Be proactive and protect your reputation. Remember, underwriters look at online reputation of companies.  And your potential customers do too.  

Underwriting for High Volume Merchant Account

The main goal our underwriters have when reviewing application filed for a high-volume merchant account is assessing risk.  To do so, underwriters check credit scores, examine previous payment processing history, review bank statements, and thoroughly inspect websites.

Take time to prepare your application and show your company in the best positive light.  If your chargebacks are high, provide an explanation of the reasons along with the steps you are taking to reduce them. 

Have enough money in your business bank account to show you have adequate working capital to support your business.  Professionally prepared business financials (P&L / Balance Sheet) are helpful.  If your personal credit is not great, consider adding a co-signer with a good credit score to the application.

Make sure all pages & links on your website are working correctly.  For membership sites, provide a demo login for underwriters.  Have privacy and refund policies clearly visible.

Our underwriters also may make a “cold call” to the phone number on merchants’ sites. You will not know the call comes from an underwriter.  During the application process, be sure phones are answered in the name of the business.  If the call goes to voice mail, identify the name of the company and when the caller can expect a call back.  The same procedure needs to be followed for contact or support emails sent to the sites.

Finally, do a google search on your company and the owners of the company.  If there are negative reviews, do your best to respond to them.  This shows that your company cares about customers’ experiences, and you are proactive in maintaining a good reputation online.  Of course, you can’t control everything on the internet.  Simply do the best you can to have your business viewed favorably.