Mastercard Payment Gateway Services is a fully accredited BACS bureau (BAB) and provides a fully online Paperless Direct Debit solution allowing you to process Direct Debit Instructions (DDIs).‎ 

This is complimented by a Direct Credits service, which can be used for paying into bank accounts and credit card accounts, and to process Direct Debit refunds.‎

Key Features

  • Collect repeated payments from your customers easily and effectively
  • Process AUDDIS and Paperless Direct Debit
  • Supported by standard Mastercard Payment Gateway Services XML API
  • Available for cardholder not present and Chip and PIN sales channels
  • Incorporates bank account and sort code verification and sanity checking

Standard Direct Credit payments to nominated UK bank accounts enable one-off or regular payment to suppliers, employees, dividends, etc. 

Direct Debit Refunds enable refunds to be made against Direct Debit Instructions, for instance in the case where a customer has cancelled their DD agreement and requires funds to be returned to their account 

Direct Credits to Credit Card Account Payments can be used when refund payments cannot be made to the credit card account by the usual process of a ‘refund’ or a ‘txn_refund’ transaction (i.e. no initial payment has been taken)

 Key Benefits

  • Predict cashflow with greater ease
  • Enhance customer loyalty
  • Open up to customer not present sales channels with convenient and popular Paperless Direct Debits.
  • Avoid unnecessary DDI failures with bank account and sort code sanity checking
  • Reconcile transactions easily with payment history incorporated into the Mastercard Payment Gateway Services Reporting suite