Determine which fraud screening mechanisms are available
The URU Fraud Screening Service is available as a separate transaction type. This enables the service to be used before the transaction payment is attempted. This means the URU Service can be used before any of the Services listed.
AVSCV2 can be used with any Card Payment Service transaction, provided:
- The card number is provided with the transaction
- The CV2 number is not stored
Due to these two limiting factors, the AVSCV2 Service is not available in the following situations:
With Pre-Registered Cards Service
For merchants using the Pre-Registered Service, the AVSCV2 check can only be performed on the initial transaction, as this check cannot be performed with a Pre-Registered transaction. Providing you have performed the AVSCV2 check with the initial transaction, this does not impact the security of the transactions.
The CV2 number for a particular card will only change if the card is re-issued. When a card is re-issued, the validity (ie the expiry date and start date) of the card would also change. This means the card details stored by the DPG are no longer correct and a new transaction will need to be performed to use as the basis for future pre-registered transactions – the new CV2 number can be checked at this stage.
With Capture Method Recurring Transactions
As the CV2 number cannot be stored, the cv2 check should only performed if the customer is able to re-enter the details at the time of the transaction. This means there is limited scope to perform a cv2 check with a cont_authtransaction.
With Historic Recurring Service
Merchants using the Historic Recurring Service should perform the AVSCV2 check with the initial setup transaction.
With Fire and Forget
With the Fire and Forget Service, neither the initial setup or the repeat payments can be performed with AVSCV2 checking, as the initial authorization request is not processed immediately, but at a later date.
If you wish perform an AVSCV2 check, this can be done by performing a normal Bank Card transaction with AVSCV2 first, and then set up the Fire and Forget Service to take a payment fewer.
With Batch Input Services
The AVS check can be performed – where appropriate – for Batch Input transactions if these details are provided along with the card number. If your Acquiring Bank supports the Extended AVS check, this can be used if you are using the XML format for the batch. The Standard AVS check is available to all Acquiring Banks.
Please Note – as the Card Scheme Rules state that the CV2 should not be stored, this information cannot be accepted when using the Batch Input Service.
3-D Secure
3-D Secure can be used with any Card Payment Service transaction, provided:
- The card number is provided with the transaction
- The transaction is an e-Commerce transaction
- The authorization is carried out immediately
Due to these limiting factors, the 3-D Secure Service is not available in the following situations:
With Pre-Registered Cards Service
For merchants using the Pre-Registered Service, the 3-D Secure check can only be performed on the initial transaction, as this check cannot be performed with a Pre-Registered transaction. Providing you have performed the 3-D Secure check with the initial transaction, this does not impact the security of the transactions.
With Capture Method Service
Mastercard and Visa do not currently support 3-D Secure checking for recurring transactions. However the check can still be performed on the initiale-Commerce transaction.
With Historic Recurring Service
It is not currently possible to perform a 3-D Secure check with this service.
With Fire and Forget
With the Fire and Forget Service, neither the initial setup or the repeat payments can be performed with 3-D Secure checking, as the initial authorization request is not processed immediately, but at a later date. If you wish perform a 3-D Secure check, this can be done by performing a normal Bank Card transaction with 3-D Secure first, and then set up the Fire and Forget Service to take a payment fewer.
With Batch Input Services
The 3D Secure service enables your customer to authenticate themselves directly their Issuing Bank in real time. This means the service cannot is not available in conjunction with batched transactions.